Eduroam profile installers

Select your operating system and follow the instructions to install the profile. Once the profile is installed, change your Wi-Fi network to "Eduroam". When prompted, enter your username in the format and then enter your UCInetID password.

If you run into any problems installing eduroam or you want to register something else like a gaming console, you can manually register your device's MAC address on our Mobile Registration page.

Stop! Visit this page using Safari only. Chrome won't work.

Download the configuration profile and follow the prompts. Go to Settings and tap "Profile Downloaded" up top to finish the setup. Once the profile is installed, change your Wi-Fi network to "Eduroam".
When prompted, enter your username in the format and then enter your UCInetID password.

Stuck? Here are detailed iOS instructions.

Download the eduroam app first.

Download the configuration profile second.

Once the profile is installed, change your Wi-Fi network to "Eduroam".

Download the "eduroam-OS_X-UoCI.mobileconfig" file and double-click it to install the profile. Once the profile is installed, change your Wi-Fi network to "Eduroam".

Stuck? Here are detailed macOS instructions.

Download the "eduroam-W10-UoCI.exe" file and double-click it to install the profile. Once the profile is installed, change your Wi-Fi network to "Eduroam".

Stuck? Here are detailed Windows instructions.

Follow the instructions to learn how to connect to eduroam (no download required).

Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, encrypted Wi-Fi network available at UCI. Eduroam is a global wireless network service for research and education that allows you to connect to any eduroam-enabled institution around the world.